We will now learn how to create an apache pig script. Apache pig scripts are used to share the apache pig command set. This helps reduce the time and effort invested in writing. And executing each team manually, which is done during pig programming. It is also an integral part of the program . This blog is a step-by-step guide to creating your Nepal Phone Number List first script for apache pig. Apache pig script execution modes local mode : in local mode. You can run the pork script on the local file system. In this case, you do not need to store the data in the hadoop hdfs file system. And you can work with the data stored in the local file system itself. The image below shows the result of our script. Congratulations on your successful completion of the first Nepal Phone Number List Apache Pig script!
Data must be stored in the hdfs file system, and you can process the data using a pig script. Apache pig script in mapreduce mode suppose our task is to read the data from the data file and display the required content on the terminal as output. An example of a Nepal Phone Number List data file contains the following data: save the text file as " information. Txt " in the example data file, there are five columns first name , last name , mobile ne , city , and occupation separated by a tab key . Our task is to read the contents of this file from hdfs and show all the columns of these records. To Nepal Phone Number List process this data using pig, this file should be in the apache hadoop hdfs. Now you know how to create and run an Apache Pig script.
The image below shows the result of our script. Congratulations on your successful completion of the first Apache Pig script! Now you know how to Nepal Phone Number List create and run an Apache Pig script. So, our next blog will be on how to create. Uache (user-defined features) in apache pig and run it in mapreduce / hdfs mode. Java how to complete. A program now that you have created and run apache pig script, check out edureka. A trusted online learning company with a network of more than 250,000 satisfied learners worldwide. Edureka big data hadoop certification training course helps learners become experts in hdfs. Yarn, mapreduce, pig, hive, hbase, oozie, flume and sqoop using real-time use cases retail, social media, aviation, tourism, finance. Do Nepal Phone Number List you have a question for us? Please mention this in the comments section and we will contact you.