Technical Education In India Essay
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India is witnessing the age of science and technology. There is huge demand for technical education in modern age. The pattern of life evolving in this age is very much different from the one we would find in our society even some fifty years back. Technical Education imparts knowledge of specific trade, craft or profession.
This role of education institutions found it necessary to redefine the end of education, which was to be in the main stream of economic development and to ensure a place for India in the community of prosperous nations. It was not just an end, it was the dream of modern India, and technical education was given the due importance with a view to realizing that dream.
Besides this, in this age of unemployment, only technical education can assure one of a job and a comfortable living. Those who are still in the conventional institutions, passing examination that have little relevance in the modern systems, find no opportunities of employment. And, quite naturally, they are victims of frustration and find themselves alienated from the mainstream of modern world. With their stereo-typed general education without any specialization and professional skill they acquire nothing to contribute to the progress and prosperity of the human society. They are quite aware of this and this awareness leaves them demoralized.
The education which provides special practical knowledge and skills in known as technical education. It is different from general education. If makes learners well-skilled in the special fields such as agriculture, carpentry, engineering, medical, driving, piloting, etc. technical education concerns with technology. The people who have special technical skill and knowledge are called technicians. Carpenter, drivers, mechanics, engineers, doctor, pilots and so on are technicians. Technical education plays the vital role for the development of a country. Technicians are needed in the every field of construction. To make factories, roads, bridges, canals, buildings, airports etc. needs technicians. If a country owns sufficient technical hands, it undoubtedly accelerates the pace of development. In order to produce electricity, to work in mines, to grow enough crops and vegetables and so on we need different types of technicians. Technical education unquestionably promotes economic status of the nation. If a country has more production of goods, it can feed its people easily. Foreign currency can be earned by selling the extra production to other countries. If a country does not own required technicians, it has to hire them from other countries. They have to be paid more money as their salary. Through them, the money goes away. By the result, the country cannot be developed. It can be said that the development of a nation depends on technicians, too. Technical education tis very important to solve the problem of unemployment. Technical hands cannot be unemployed. They help in very fields. On the other hand, technical hands do not need to request others to give education makes people independent. If they start their own business, they can provide job opportunities to other educated people. Thus technical education helps us to alleviate the gravity of the problem of unemployment. In the context of Nepal, we do not have required technicians. We have to hire them from other countries. It is not good. Many educated people are unemployed because they do not have technical knowledge and skills. If they are given training on technical skills and knowledge, we can develop our country rapidly. Many technical hands have been working in our country for a long time. Only a few technical institutes have been providing technical education. They are not sufficient to fulfill the demand of the country. The economic progress of the nation depends on technical hands. Every country should give high priority on technical education to uplift the prosperity of the nation.
Pharmacy education at all levels excluding the PharmD is regulated by the AICTE and all these programs must be approved by it. The AICTE is primarily responsible for planning, formulating, and maintaining norms and standards in technical education, which include pharmacy. Besides the Pharmacy Act, pharmacy practice is also governed by the Drugs and Cosmetics Act of 1940,15 which stipulates the manufacture, distribution, and sale of drugs. Currently, there are no regulatory body and regulatory control for clinical pharmacy practice.
It is imperative to reduce barriers to skills development and technical and vocational education and training (TVET), starting from the secondary level, as well as to tertiary education, including university, and to provide lifelong learning opportunities for youth and adults. The provision of tertiary education should be made progressively free, in line with existing international agreements.
Since the attainment of freedom the progress made in the sphere of technical education in the country is not bad, but in view of the tremendous need and the present circumstances, the pace of progress is not quite satisfactory.
Although during the various Five Year Plans, stress has been laid on the opening of technical institutions, but the number of such institutions is still very small. Due to lack of technical education labourers and workmen employed in various factories remain unaware of the latest technical knowledge. So they do not prove very helpful in the development of industry as per the latest technology.
Because of the same reason, it is also a difficult problem to send a large number of students to foreign countries and get them trained. In this condition of helplessness, technical education has to be left in the charge of ordinary teachers.
The All India Council of Technical Education, it is heartening to note, is taking some steps in this direction. The Council has provided a five year continuous course after secondary education for higher training in technical and engineering subjects.
The problem of shortage of good administrators is the result of various complex problems relating to technical education. The view that industrialisation is the main source of raising the standard of living in the present age, is now gaining ground.
The fields of practical activity of technical education are the industrial institutions and workshops outside the centres of training. In the present state of acute financial position, it is not possible to provide large workshops in the educational institutions.
They should be afforded facilities for reading books and magazines and discuss subjects relating to their sphere of work. Arrangements should be made to impart them the desired education during their vacations or at evening centres. In this way, besides developing technical skill and knowledge, they would also develop their personality.
Unfortunately, very few standard books on technical and engineering subjects have been published in the various current languages of the country. English is still the medium of education of these subjects in our country, while countries like China and Japan have produced engineering and technical books in their national languages.
For the development of technical and industrial education it is necessary that there exists always a balance between industries and technical man-power on the one hand, and its training and efficiency on the other. To-day we find many technicians facing unemployment.
Vocational education is essential for people of all age groups to gather knowledge about a particular type of work on which he or she can concentrate. Here we have written two essays covering the topic for the benefit of students during their exams.
By India Today Web Desk: The technical education in India is plagued with many inadequacies. It has rendered the engineers coming out of most of the Institutes are almost unemployable. There have been some sporadic efforts to improve the situation but most of the efforts have not brought any significant changes.
In order to solve this, there has to be a strong interaction of engineering educational institutions with the industry in the role of consultancy is recognized as key to the future development of technical education and offers an opportunity to the faculty to contribute to the live problems and to solve the problems too.
There is a tremendous scope for technical education institution to play their vital role in promoting entrepreneurship. In fact, it is the backbone of any technical institute. In our country, currently, there are very few initiatives taken to support and nurture the entrepreneurship.
Nice article but it is too long we need around 400 words which explains education in india,challenges,way forward onlyIt is very hard to remember and segrate from given imp because all points look like imp please try to make it around 400 words only
The special job oriented training given to somebody based on practical use of machinery for industries is technical education. Hence, it is such a practical skill development course that teaches a student how to use scientific equipment or machines in our daily life.
A student, who is given technical education later, becomes a technician whose job is handling equipments or machines and keeping them in good condition. On the contrary, the general education given in schools and colleges produces such an educated person whose job is to search for a job. It is because they are given theoretical education rather than practical one. Moreover, they have to spend so many years at college or university that makes them get tired of learning. Since, it is non technical subject, they may later be unemployed. Therefore, in this regard technical education is a synonymous word for employment in which they can use their mind as well as their hands.
The special job oriented training given to somebody based on practical use of machinery for industries is technical education. Hence, it is such a practical skill development course that teaches a stu... 2b1af7f3a8
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