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The oral method offers a better avenue for all vigorousmodes of expression than the reading book.It can be observed that the general tendency of thebook is toward a formal, expressionless style inyoung readers. Go into a class where the teacher ishandling a story orally and you will see her fallingnaturally into all forms of vivid narrative and presentation,gesture, facial expression, versatile intonation,blackboard sketching and picture work, theimpersonation of characters in dialogue, dramaticaction, and general liveliness of manner. The childrennaturally take up these same activities and modesof uttering themselves. Even without the suggestionof teachers, little children express themselves in suchactions, attitudes, and impersonations. This may beoften observed in little boys and girls of kindergartenage, when telling their experiences to older persons,or when playing among themselves. The freedom,activity, and vivacity of children is, indeed, in strongcontrast to the apathetic, expressionless, monotonousstyle of many grown people, including teachers. 2b1af7f3a8